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Planning Board Minutes 03/01/2007
(603) 798-4350

MARCH 1, 2007

PRESENT: Chairman Brad Towle, Fred Ruoff, Tom Jameson, Stan Brehm, Richard Arell, David Kenneally, Chris Weir, Joanna McIntosh and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Towle read the agenda and requested that the Board review the Minutes of January 11, 2007 Working Meeting.

The following changes were made:  Second sentence second word change from “were” to “was”. Add a period after 10:45pm in the final sentence and add a comma after respectfully submitted.

Motion was made to accept the minutes with changes.

                Jameson/Ruoff                   (Passed)

Fred Ruoff will be a voting member tonight replacing Mike Paveglio.

Chairman Towle requested that the Board review the Minutes of February 1, 2007.

The following changes were made: Add Joanna McIntosh to Present, Page 2 second line change “scientists” to “scientist’s”. Under Discussion Hillcrest Campground second line change “build” to “building”.

Page 3: the first paragraph to read:

The Board will be adding the word “customarily” back into the Accessory Uses and Buildings definition. Also, adding, “and licensed by the State of New Hampshire” to the Campground definition.

(3) to read:  There is a new District 5 Engineer and the Planning Board would like to hold a meeting with the new Engineer and the Epsom Planning Board.

Place a period at the end the last sentence after meeting and after 11:00pm.

Motion was made to accept with the above changes.

                Brehm/McIntosh                  (Passed)

DISCUSSION:     Hillcrest Campground
        Addition – Office/Store
        Map 4, Lot 156
        Dover Road

Did not attend, no action taken.

DISCUSSION:     John & Linda Herman
        Chichester Country Store
        Site Review - Antique Reproductions
        Map 5, Lot 92, Main Street

Mr. & Mrs. Herman own Barn House Lighting and are interested in purchasing the Old Chichester Country Store and use it as a showroom and rent the house and apartment. Eventually they will renovate the barn to use also as showroom.

The Board was in agreement that the Herman’s will need to go thru site review and also contact State of New Hampshire Department of Transportation District 5 for a driveway permit. They will also need to speak with the Fire Chief as to the access to the rear of the building and apartment.

Design Review/Public Hearing set for April.

DISCUSSION:     Jay Baas
        Site Review
        Conversion of Barn to Rental Unit
        Map 8, Lot 4, Depot Road

Mr. Bass presented the Board with his application, checklist and plans for the Board’s review. Mr. Bass explained to the Board that he has received two variances from the Chichester Board of Adjustment (BOA), one for setbacks from town roads and one for setbacks from Zoning Districts. Mr. Bass has another hearing with the BOA on March 7, 2007 for an area variance, the property is only 1.5 acres.

The Board is concerned about steep lands being used as part of the 25% common open space and requested that it be removed. There is also concern for the Shoreline Protection notes on the plan, Mr. Bass explained to the Board that he has spoken Ray Pelletier of New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES) who had a meeting earlier in the week and had spoken Charlene Ford the State Shoreline Protection Act Coordinator and they stated to him “that if the building had been used in a residential capacity that he would not be required to get a variance from the Shoreline Protection Act from DES”. Mr. Bass stated that he had told Mr. Pelletier and Charlene Ford “that his daughter had lived in the barn from about June to November last year”.  Chairman Towle asked “if they would provide a letter” and Mr. Bass stated “he could provide the Board with that letter”.

The abutter to the north Mr. Wilcox is missing on the plan and needs to be added as well as the location of the large propane tank in the back yard. The shading of the parking area needs to be removed for recording purposes.

The project will be placed on the agenda for Design Review/Public Hearing for April.

DISCUSSION:     Mark Blasko – Chucksters
        Site Review  
        Building Development
        Map 2, Lot 81, Bailey and Dover Roads

Mr. Blasko did not attend, but left word with the secretary that he would need to include building construction at the rear of the site in order to get dredge and fill from DES. The Board was in agreement a new site review would need to be completed.


Chairman Towle reviewed with the Board the suggested building fees. The following was discussed and agreed to bring to Public Hearing in April.

Building Permit Fees:

New Construction:~

Residence: $100~or 15 cents per sq. foot, whichever is greater, to include all livable floors.

Commercial: $200 or 20 cents per sq foot whichever is greater.

Expanding footprint of existing buildings: $50 or 10 cents per sq. foot whichever is greater.

Any Structure that will not enclose a Dwelling Unit; to include but not limited to, Garage, Barn, Shed, In ground Pool, Deck:  $50.00

Public hearing set for April.


Mr. Weir requested the Boards copies of the Zoning Book so he could compile all of the changes found by the Board.

New Business

Mr. Weir presented the Board with a new Home Occupation Permit with complete instructions for completing the requirements.

Mr. Weir has also presented new wording for Home Occupation for the Zoning, to be presented next year for ballot vote.

Motion was made to adjourn.

        McIntosh/Arell          (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.

                Respectfully submitted,

                Bradley Towle